11 Blogging Tips for Beginners (Blogger) - SubTechz

10+ Blogging Tips for Beginners - SubTechz

Hello there!

Blogging is fun but not a simple job but if you are new to blogging, it may seem kinda little harder to you.

In this post, I am writing about 11 Blogging Tips for Beginners that will make blogging a lot easier for you.

So, without wasting your time, Let’s Dig it up.

1. Create a really simple, fast and clean blog.

Yes, the priority is to make your blog look simple and fast.

A Simple and fast blog is really user friendly and your audience can get the content they are looking for easily.

The user experience should be your top priority, so chose a lightweight theme that has fewer visuals and packed with all the stuff that you need.

2. Create an SEO friendly blog

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization is the most important for any website to quickly rank on Google.

Create an SEO friendly blog

If you do not focus on SEO for your blog, then no matter how much content you write on your blog, you’ll not be able to get enough traffics.

If you are a Google Blogger, then you should check this article on how to rank on Google with Google Blogger. 

3. Get your Idea from the Audience.

You can get ideas from your audience from your blog comment section and or from social media.

You know about 51% of total website traffics are from Organic Search, so write what people are asking for on social media.

Create an article that answers the questions from people you engage on the internet.

The question is: How do you know what people are searching for?

The answer is pretty simple: Use a Keyword research tool

The internet is filled with lots of free keyword research tools and you just need to find them.

I personally use Questiondb and AnswerThePublic to get the idea for my blog post.

4. Promote your blog on social media.

Social Media is one of the biggest gatherings of people from around the world and you just need to attract them with your article.

Social Media can give a large number of visitors to your blog post.

Promote Your Blog on Social Media

The best way is to create a Facebook group where you can promote your blog and also interact with your audience or create a YouTube channel or write answers to the Quora on your relevant topic.

5. Make your article easy to read.

While writing an article you should choose your words carefully because nobody likes to read and if you use sentences that are hard to read then the user might leave your blog.

Write an article just like you are talking to a 12-year-old who cannot understand hard sentences.

6. Write a Catchy Headline.

Most people decide what to read based on the Headline, just like how a thumbnail is important for a YouTube video.

Headlines are the most crucial piece of your content; they can invite or turn readers away.

So, you need to know how to write a click-worthy headline for your article. 

7. Add a Table of Content in your article.

Table of Content is another most important part of your content.

It helps the reader to jump over whatever section of your content capture their interests and also creating a table of content increases the scanability of your content.

Every blogger is using a Table of Content in their article and if you want to create one on Blogger, then check out this article.

8. Break your paragraph into 40-50 words.

Usually, when I first started blogging, I also used to write long paragraphs.

But when I researched more about blogging, I get to know that I was doing all wrong.

A short paragraph is more preferred over a long paragraph.

A short paragraph of 40-50 words or even less are eye-relieving, easy to read and also invite more readers.

Just Look at the image below to compare it, which one will you like.

Keep your paragraphs under 50 words or even less.

9. Compress Image without comprising quality.

Using Compressed images on your blog will certainly increase your blog load speed and thus it will increase the user experience.

Compressing an image means decreasing the size of the image without losing its quality.

While compressing your image, convert your image into PNG format.

You can use some free tools like: Kraken.io, JPEG Optimizer, Optimizila etc

10. Use keyword-optimized images.

Most beginners just upload images with pre-defined names like “20210721.png” or “IMG039.png”.

Instead of those useless names, renamed the images into meaningful names like “red-apple.png” or “yellow-lemon.png”

You should also use the ‘alt’ tag which is displayed whenever your image failed to load.

You should use keywords here and it’s more important for alt text tags to be descriptive.

11. Place your keyword precisely.

Keywords are one of the most important parts of your blog and placing them precisely in your article can significantly improve your blog’s SEO.

The principal areas where you should place your main keywords are likely to be in your article’s title.

The title helps the users and engines to figure out the article.

Second, we must place Keywords in the Introduction part and subheadings.

Your focused keyword must also be placed in the meta description of your blog post and the link.

Wrap Up:

Blogging is hard work, and you need to be consistent with your blog.

If you use these 11 blogging tips, you certainly will find blogging a little easier and also enjoy it.

At last, if you have any suggestions or comments regarding this article then share your thoughts with me in the comment section and don’t forget to share them on social media.

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